Place a module inside of an article in Joomla 3.x

If you want to place a module inside of an article with Joomla 3.x, you are in luck. Understanding how to utilize 2 simple shortcodes will allow you to place the content from any module directly inside an article.

If you want to place a module inside of an article with Joomla 3.x, you are in luck. Understanding how to utilize 2 simple shortcodes will allow you to place the content from any module directly inside an article.

If you want to place a module inside of an article with Joomla 3.x, you are in luck.

Understanding how to utilize 2 simple shortcodes will allow you to place modules directly inside articles.

  1. The loadposition allows you to publish all the modules in a particular position.
  2. The loadmodule allows you to publish just one particular module.

Joomla Shortcode – loadposition

{loadmodule name_of_position}

Joomla Shortcode – loadmodule

{loadmodule name_of_module}

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